One of the wonderful parts of many families is their pets.  We at Brigadoon love to hear stories from our students about their beloved guinea pigs, cats, dogs, hamsters and other beloved creatures.  We know that having a pet is a wonderful privilege and responsibility and our children can learn a great deal from the experience of sharing and caring for animals.

At Brigadoon, we recognize that many of our families have dogs and we appreciate that on lovely weather days, our parents and caregivers want to bring their dog along to pick up their children from school.  While we understand this, we would ask you please to meet your child off of school property if you choose to bring your dog with you.  We always want to believe that no harm can come from a family dog but we also know that some of our students have experienced trauma around dogs, many of whom were familiar to them.  Please, for this reason we would ask you not to bring your dogs onto school property.

Dogs have long been used to support children and adults as working service dogs.  Currently, Brigadoon has the opportunity to take part in supporting the training of Pixie, a black lab pup who will be joining us every Tuesday – in the mornings, Pixie will be in our main office and in the afternoons, Pixie will be in the Library.  She will be under the care and support of Mrs. Owens, along with Mrs. Weiler-Cole.  We welcome Pixie to our Brigadoon family and look forward to taking part in her training.  We also know that Pixie will teach us many things, too!

If you have any questions about Pixie’s training or her presence in our school, please feel free to give us a call.  We are happy to respond!