Baking donations sign-up –
We are looking for baking donations for a bake sale on Dec. 18 to benefit the Doon Pioneer Park Community Association’s Christmas Miracle Food Hamper Project.
We need approximately 560 items in order to ensure that it would be possible for each student to purchase something.  All items will be priced at $1.  If you can please send items packaged so they can be sold for a dollar it will help us to avoid having students handling the baked goods to repackage them before they are sold.
Every year our school supports the Doon Pioneer Park Community Association’s Christmas Miracle Food Hamper Project (  Approximately 50 families in our neighbourhood receive a food hamper containing healthy food and knitted hats and mitts for children.  This year Brigadoon has been asked specifically to focus on raising money to support the purchase of fresh food items for the hampers.  Instead of bringing in food donations we will focus on raising money that can be used by the DPPCA buy perishable food items which go into the hampers along with donated non-perishable items received from other sources.  Our bake sale proceeds will go towards this project.