September 24th, 2014
Terry Fox Run – Brigadoon students will participate in our Annual Terry Fox run on Friday, September 26th. Primary classes will begin at 12:15 followed by our Junior Classes at 1:00. We are hoping that every student will bring a toonie to donate for cancer research. Together we can make a difference!
Crazy Hair Day – On Friday, September 26th, students may participate in our Crazy Hair Day.
Brigadoon Boomerang Lunch – At Brigadoon we have adopted a Boomerang Lunch policy along with many other schools in WRDSB. We hope to reduce waste and encourage students and their families to review and rethink the way they prepare and pack lunch and snack foods. All pre-packaged waste from your child’s lunch will be returned home in their lunch bag. Any compostable items such as fruit peelings and uneaten crusts from sandwiches will be composted at school as part of our composting program. An effective way to manage any mess coming home is to keep a re-usable sealed container or bag in their lunch bag to put the leftover items into. Thanks so much for your support!
School Council – We had our first School Council Meeting on Monday, September 22nd. Thanks so much to the parents who attended this meeting. Heather McKinna and Dijana Grnca volunteered to be Co-Chairs this year and Christine MacDonald volunteered to be our Secretary. Our meetings will be held on the fourth Monday of every month. Our next meeting will be on Monday, October 27th. We hope to see you there!
Family Halloween Dance – School Council is going to host a Halloween Dance again this year. The Dance will take place on Thursday, October 30th at Brigadoon in our Gym. Information will be sent home in the near future with the details about the event.
QSP Magazine & Memories Fundraiser – This year QSP is offering a new program that includes photo keepsakes, books, cards, calendars and more along with their magazine subscriptions. Our kickoff assembly for students will be on Monday, September 29th. Information about the fundraising program as well as incentive prizes will be sent home with students. This fundraiser will run until Tuesday, October 14th. We appreciate your support!
Picture Day – Picture Day will be held on Friday, October 3rd. More information will be sent home prior to this event.
Thanksgiving – Monday, October 13th.