Report Cards Come Home on Friday!

Term 1 Achievement Reports for all students will be coming home on Friday, February 19th.  Please remember to return your report card envelope with your son/daughter’s response form at your earliest convenience.  Many thanks!

2016-17 Budget Consultation Survey

Calling all students, parents and community members! Have a say in our budget process! Which funding priorities do you think the Board should consider for the 2016-17 school year, and beyond? Respond to the short 2016-17 Budget Consultation Survey to help us identify which areas are important to our WRDSB community. Please keep in mind: the WRDSB […]

2015 Director’s Annual Report

The 2015 Director’s Annual Report is now available! Each year, the Director is required to submit a report to the Ontario Ministry of Education, highlighting the achievements of the past year. Our Annual Report gives the local community a snap shot at what students and staff have achieved. Awards, good news stories and achievements in learning […]

PA Day – Friday, January 29th

Don’t forget….this Friday, January 29th is a PA Day and hence, there will be no school for students.  Staff will be working on assessment, evaluation and reporting.

Sports Day Tomorrow!

Wear your favourite team jersey for Brigadoon’s January School Spirit Day!

Addition of PA Day for 2015-16 School Year

As a result of recent labour agreements, an additional Professional Activity Day (PA Day) has been added to the 2015-2016 School Year Calendar for both elementary and secondary students. Trustees approved Friday, February 26, 2016 as the additional PA Day, at the January Board Meeting. School administrators are presently reviewing school activities planned for February […]

Knitting Club Needs Yarn

Our student knitting club is starting up soon!  If you have any spare yarn or knitting needles at home for our students, please send them our way and we’ll put them to good use.

School Buses

Each morning and end of the school day, our 4 school buses arrive to find that they are unable to drive freely on our ring road to drop off or pick up students safely.  In fact, it has happened on at least one occasion that a bus has had to let students off near the […]

Snow & Ice Safety

Winter was late in arriving but given the conditions in the last couple of weeks, it is safe to say that winter is definitely here.  With that, comes many challenges for drivers and for walkers to and from school.  We would ask that you please consider reinforcing some of the messages we are sharing with […]

January 18: Rentals & Committee of the Whole meeting CANCELLED

Due to the current and anticipated road conditions, and based on the latest credible weather information, all rentals (6:00 p.m. onwards) and this evening’s Committee of the Whole meeting have been CANCELLED.

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